onsdag den 10. juni 2015

Cremes and lotions

Not only did we have a pillow war going on - but I am also fighting stretch marks with every means, however, a part of me have read the research and know non of this should help - but the louder voice in my head so wants it work, and I love love love the basq-products they are amazing I think I might continue to use them! 

To other pregnant or belly stretch mark fixated individuals here is my short review: Mama bee is OK - not great though, and I love some of the honest products, and the Weleda oil and the almond oil are nice and makes my skin soft and smooth - but the basq-oils and -lotions feels like angels fly down and kisses your belly :) 

mandag den 8. juni 2015


Ohh I got this sweet sweet baby-book "My first years" from my mom when she was here and I can't wait to start writing in it --- hope September comes fast this year ;) 

fredag den 5. juni 2015

The pillow war

Weeelll, the stomach is the beginning and fill up a little more than before the pregnancy and it hurts in the back and pelvis, and it's hard to turn around when I go to sleep - so it must of course put human size pillow in our already somewhat filled bed. Martin actually underwent the coming scenario on the way home in the car from a pillow purchase, but I refused to believe that this pillow in any way would tangle with us under double duvet - so I forced myself to keep in our bed the entire first night. Martin should not win this pillow war... But he was right though, the pillow and I almost took the up the whole double quilt and Martin had several choking experiences from our envelope-sheet (yes we sleep like real Americans with a sheet!) - I even think the pillow tried to push both Martin and I out of bed several times that night!
The pillow is, however, nice to lie with on top of the bed alone and is now used for naps (ONLY on top of the covers - not to be choked in the sheets) - but it will never again come back under double quilt! 

tirsdag den 2. juni 2015

Baby Books

I bought a tower of baby books and books on childbirth, pregnancy and life as a mother - I just love to sit under my blanket in the reading chair at night and feel little kicks while I read and read. I have been lucky enough to get hold of "Painless Birth" (a Danish book) which probably will be the technique I will (try to) use at birth - but pyhaa I have no idea what I am getting into. However, I have learned to restrain my-self from googling - or no, I still lie 4-5am most mornings and google away, but wise from damage, I don't look at the pictures anymore, as it can boost the tear channels, create panic, and poor Martin must work overtime to keep the peace at home.