tirsdag den 18. august 2015

Aww so blessed

We still really can't grasp that so many people have given us gifts and love for the little one to come - both from Denmark and the US - how blessed is our little princess with so many wonderful people in her life all ready on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean ---- AGAIN THANK YOU ALL!!! 

søndag den 16. august 2015


Well now with school out and nothing but birth ahead I can make a post that I have wanted to share for a while - our babymoon! 
People say you should go on a babymoon before the baby comes - like a honeymoon - the last time in a long time where mom and dad can spend a little alone time. Martin planned the trip in our 4th-of-July vacation and even getting in the car I didn't know where we were going. We went north and stayed at San Ynez Inn, which were beautiful and quiet just what we needed - and the mom got to Solvang and had Danish leverpate - and to Santa Barbara and had Danish leverpate once more... After a lot of relaxation and heavy eating we returned, and the doctor was very very impressed with how much I had manage to gain in two weeks --- and I have had to exercise a bit more in the following weeks ha ha... 

torsdag den 13. august 2015

Picking out stuff!!!

Well time is getting closer - and this picture is from one of our many (many many) trips (this one back in July) trying out babygear, picking it apart, testing, and trying... With the mom having a PT background knowing about infant development and the dad having a brain of an engineer everything gets picked to pieces and tested, and hard choices are being made. Good thing we are not decorating a nursery or we might not have it done till she leaves for college... But we have fun, and she will be here so soon! 

mandag den 10. august 2015

Overwhelmed - THANK YOU!

Wow - This morning I (Maja) started just sitting on the floor surrounded by all these thoughtful presents and have a little happy cry! When we moved half around the World, we had not in our wildest dreams imagined finding so many sweet friends and be surrounded with all this love. 

Thank you all for being a part of our little new ones life and for all the amazing thoughtful presents - It was such an amazing baby shower! Thank you! 

lørdag den 8. august 2015

Baby Shower

WOW!!! I can't believe it is tomorrow all ready - I am so exited and so grateful that people are actually celebrating our little princess is entering the World soon! 

fredag den 7. august 2015

Family visit from Denmark

We just had the most wonderful time with my brother, his wife, and three kids - they borrowed bogie boards from the sweet neighbors and had a blast - however, I walked and played a lot more than usual (didn't get in the water though) - but I am still not walking or standing very well, guess I forgot I was 8 months pregnant... 

We saw the doctor today, and she said everything is fine - the babygirl has turned her head down - ready to get out - and I just need to learn to relax ;) Which was easy today as I am finishing my final paper for my writing class - Hurraaa! But miss my Main Street walks, hope I will be more walkable next week again :) 

onsdag den 5. august 2015


Ha ha ha did anyone see the wet pregnant lady claiming a chair in a towel??? Just as I got shampoo into my hair and Martin had left for Santa Monica our smoke detector went off and not just the little bibs telling you it is out of battery, but fully alarm mode - so I thought I better get out of the shower! There were no smoke,  luckily, so now we will try with a new battery. But the babygirl got a kick out of the noice and wouldn't stop kicking her mommy for 30 minutes after the fun sound ;)