søndag den 16. august 2015


Well now with school out and nothing but birth ahead I can make a post that I have wanted to share for a while - our babymoon! 
People say you should go on a babymoon before the baby comes - like a honeymoon - the last time in a long time where mom and dad can spend a little alone time. Martin planned the trip in our 4th-of-July vacation and even getting in the car I didn't know where we were going. We went north and stayed at San Ynez Inn, which were beautiful and quiet just what we needed - and the mom got to Solvang and had Danish leverpate - and to Santa Barbara and had Danish leverpate once more... After a lot of relaxation and heavy eating we returned, and the doctor was very very impressed with how much I had manage to gain in two weeks --- and I have had to exercise a bit more in the following weeks ha ha... 

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